Sweet 16 turning quite bitter?

A Pro-Bono guide to your Illuminazi initiation.

     Your sweet 16 party had come to an end. I am sure it was great fun, and now you think all is left is to clean up the place, go to sleep and prepare for school the next day. Unfortunately "destiny" has other plans. This very evening a person whom you may consider a family friend or an associate of your parents will come to take you away to show you "how the world works". You are being initiated into the Illuminazi. Yes, that secret group of people who run Hollywood. No, they are not reptilians. Yes, those cold blooded creatures will fuck you up monumentally, but they are just human. Human who have been hoarding and hiding technology that runs this planet and gate keeping that knowledge from everyone else to maintain control. If you think that your parents can't possibly be this evil, the next 4 years will be torture for you if you don't sign up for a lifetime of slavery to one of 6 career paths. That is plenty of time to change your mind on the whole "evil" thing. Yes, I am sure they love you, at least they say they do. But are you even sure they are your parents? Some of you are stolen children. I suggest getting a DNA test under a false name to see if they are. Why a false name? Oh, because they own the companies that do that testing themselves, and they will lie through their teeth.

Some things to consider:

    Those who sign up for the club sign life-long contracts that prevent them from making this information public. People who do not sign up for the club and know what they do to their youth keep quiet because they want the spawn of those who wronged them to suffer. Those are the two forces that will grind you down until you have no will left, creating the next generation of people who are stuck thinking in 0-sum ways. You are either a winner, or looser. Eat or be eaten. Be feared or be afraid. And they put you in charge after they break you, as if the most traumatized should be making decisions for the rest of us.

    They will entice you to pick a house with enjoyable things you used to dream of as a kid. Ever wanted to be a super hero? Well now you can. You have your own tv show, a simulation where you can have any super powers you want, and you get paid doing it! Remember those years of being treated like absolute garbage while you fought for your autonomy? Well now we can override that by letting you live a movie of exactly how you wanted your life to be this whole time. Cars, Bitches, Power, all yours. You just need to sell your soul for it, and comply with their rules for the rest of your life. And if you disobey, they will do things to you that would make you wish you were never born, no biggie.

    They will lie to you and tell you that everyone has already chosen a house. They have not. They will lie to you and tell you that they control the whole world, and there is no place to run. They don't (but they could retrieve you from anywhere if you sign that contract and then disobey, so don't get Trotski-ed). In reality it is just a small club on the East coast of the US. (Well there are actually two major hubs: one around St. John's river and one around the Nile river, both of which run away from the equator for a reason.) Everyone you know and is in your life right now is carefully controlled by them. They are either part of the club, or would sell you out to the club for breadcrumbs of money. Remember, your parents are in life contracts by an organization that ruined so many people's lives without any accountability what so ever, the only thing their victims can do to feel some justice for themselves is by fucking you over any chance they get. Unfortunately, that is the very attitude that creates the next generation of the Illuminazi who think of normal people as chattel who would kill to be in their position, but instead complain helplessly like the worthless losers they are. They think they are screwing you over, but they are just sharpening the blades of the same woodchipper that they got tossed in.

    Some things to remember. They have technology to play movies directly into your head so you feel like it is happening first person. Those movies, when interjected in your life can feel like time distortion. But they only come with sight and sound. If you can not feel your teeth with your tongue, it's a movie. If you can't smell (smell is the hardest sense to fake), it's a movie. If there is a convenient explanation as to why you can't feel your body or are paralyzed, it's a movie. If it feels like a false/forgotten memory, it's a movie. They have technology to teleport you through space, as it is not as solid as you'd think. But they do not have any way to control time. There are many theatrical tricks that they use to convince you they can - all a lie. Your time on this planet is yours to choose to do with as you see fit, they just don't want you to realize it because they are trying desperately to Monopolize it for themselves.

    There are some benefits to choosing a house, of course. You will never need to worry about money, that's for the poors. If you were already dead set on a career path by 16, and the choice is easy, you will be propelled miles above your peers by having professional knowledge accumulated through thousands of years from people who chose that house in their life times. You will not need to study, or read, or accumulate your own knowledge as hard as your peers have to in order to get where you are. You would just know. Unfortunately that would make you blissfully unaware of the true price of knowledge that everyone else pays as they accumulate it in their own mind, giving you a false sense of superiority.

    There are many more draw-backs. If the Nuremberg trials were held today, you would be moving to a bunker in Argentina. Their crimes against women, and children, and humanity as a whole would make any bright child so disgusted many have killed themselves. Fewer and fewer are passing their sweet 16 initiation rituals and their numbers are dwindling. The general population is refusing to breed because of how awful they made it for the people upon whose backs they stand. All the politicians are bought like sports teams to give people the illusion of choice that no one is buying anymore. The currency is Monopoly money, and "in God we trust" only works if the sheeple believe in the God they literally made up like the currency. You see, the rich must convince the poor that if they just keep slaving away heaven is waiting for them after they die so that the rich can make heaven for themselves now as they live. Although some truly believe in God themselves, but it is not because they are living as Jesus did. It's because they need to fantasize about a sky daddy forgiving their numerous atrocities when they die. I can tell you now, there is no forgiveness. The moral injury they feel is their soul fundamentally knowing that upon their death they will perceive all the harm they have done to others as if done to themselves, and they are not looking forward to that one bit.

    One last thing. Your body will continue to grow and evolve until you are ~25 years old. If you choose a house, you are stunting your own development and agreeing to become an enslaved bonsai tree. You can not change your mind. Picking one house will cut off 5/6 of your potential, and you will never know who you could have become. The metaphysical realm is very real. Clairvoyant/sentient/etc. abilities exist, and they don't always manifest by the time you are 16. They want you to choose before you are fully mature to fill your head with lies and get you dependent on that house thinking you would be nothing if it was not for them. They isolate you and make you paranoid to control you. Look up the Duluth Model - Power and control wheel. Looks familiar? In reality, that fraction of knowledge you would give up your freedom for could have been yours for free had you told them to fuck off. Now I don't know that each of you will definitely manifest any abilities, I just know that you will never know if you join before ~25. They have been progressively breeding with stupider and stupider women because those are the only ones who give them chances anymore thinking their measly contribution in genetic makeup is an entire homunculus while she is just a meat sac for parasitic incubation. The women they want are avoiding them like the plague because of heir tainted souls and all they have around them are gold diggers who need them for money. What they thought would happen after they spent all their resources to lower women's self-worth is beyond me, honestly. The fact that those starved women would jump to any other man giving them any attention at the drop of a hat if they have no self-worth is obvious to me. But then again, I am a Hex, and not lobotomized at all.

    In an ideal world there should have been a permit system where your parents could have told you the truth before expecting you to sign a life contract, maybe at 15. All 6 houses could have come up with a set of uniform tentative rules that would allow the systemic lying to stop once you can understand. Then starting at 18 you can choose to specialize into a house, giving you 3 solid years knowing before choosing. Or you can live until 25 without any upgrades on your own merit, and open the 7th house. The one they don't want you to choose. The one where all the knowledge is yours and not a single person can tell you how to live. The one where you may live with instant Karmic knowledge (being able to tell in real time the consequences of your effect on others) so you will never become morally injured doing the bidding of people who are themselves bonsaied trees of 1/6 of their capacity. There is another way to have no moral injury. You could go Luigi on them and die knowing you did all you could to wipe the black mold off this petri dish. Obviously they don't want you to pick that one either. They depend on you to sign up for slavery so they can retire comfortably on your blood money. For some of you, that is the sole reason you were born.

    How does a 16 year old escape to Mexico/Thailand/Anywhere cheap undetected, you may ask? Waiting it out is the most peaceful way to not give them any power. You could go on a dating app on a fresh burner phone with a fake account, find an 18 year old that looks just like you, and steal their identification documents. If you ask to borrow them, you will be reported. Empty out your parent's safe, and get out in a camper van. Bonus points if you request a camper van for your sweet 16 instead of a fancy car. If you steal it though, it's very easy to catch you. Don't even think about school, college, or any of that "fake carrot dangling in front of you on a fishing line" crap. They own all the apps, so get ghost. Don't consent to any pictures, or they will find you. This information has never been made public, and some of your parents would gladly help you IFF they know it has been made public.

    One thing is for certain. If you don't want to be responsible for the derailment of human evolution and destruction of planetary resources, you must not sign up to participate in the system that operates like cancerous tumor with a necrotic core. And no, you won't be able to metastasize to other planets because they have no idea how to replicate the needle lodged in the globe from St. John's river to the Nile making this rock life sustaining. They just know how to drain the energy for themselves without any clue as to how it replenishes. The only thing they have figured out is how to force women to breed so there would be a little more of it. Just like a bunch of apes who have found a water fountain in the forest and figured out that pressing the button gets them fresh water, but not how to build a second one. So all they do is guard it and beat other apes they don't like if they try to drink from "their" resources. This is not even the first run of civilization. When they loose control, they escape into the stratosphere, cleanse the masses off the planet and re-colonize it pretending to be aliens.

    Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

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